Privacy Policy - Summary

The website places a high premium on protecting users' privacy rights. To ensure this, we have established a privacy compliance structure that makes it easier for consumers to access their personal data and claim their right to privacy. 

Giving you thorough information about the kinds of data we collect, how we use it, and the numerous options available to you regarding particular data usage is our primary objective in developing this privacy policy. Our comprehensive privacy policy is applicable to all users of our services. For ease of understanding, we have enumerated the main ideas of this policy in the paragraph that follows. Please refer the person to our California privacy notice if they reside there. 

We collect particular information about how you use Our Services, such as the hardware and software you use, the websites you visit, and the content you interact with. There's a risk that if you use our "click to call" service, we'll get and keep your phone number for three months. 

The collection of this data aids in quality assurance in addition to website maintenance and service provision, quality improvement, statistical analysis, and payment-related issues pertaining to our business partners—suppliers, affiliates, and customers. 

Personal information will only be shared when deemed necessary to provide Our Services or as required by law. As our extensive privacy policy is enforceable, we strongly encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with it.

Privacy Policy

Last Updated: May 20, 2021

This Privacy Statement aims to provide transparency regarding the data collection practices used by ("we", "our", or "us") regarding users of the Site, its features, subdomains, and services. The term "Our Services" refers to all of the contents, items, components, and services that we provide via the website. This policy's titles are not meant to infer any interpretations; rather, they have been intentionally designed to facilitate reading. It is anticipated that the provided guidance will help the user comprehend and make use of the Privacy Policy.

This privacy policy may change at any time, and we reserve the right to make those changes without consulting anyone else. If there are any changes, we will prominently display the most current amendment date at the bottom of our website along with the revised Privacy Policy. By using or interacting with the Site, including any additional downloads or access made after the modifications, you acknowledge and consent to the amended Privacy Policy. Any substantial changes must be adequately communicated to users at least seven (7) days in advance of the changes taking effect, via suitable channels, such as publishing a notice on the website. Seven (7) days following the publication of the notification, the changes will become operative.

  1. Terms of Use.

The Privacy Statement is an essential part of the Terms of Service. Any terms not specified clearly in the Privacy Policy must have their meanings understood from their context.

  1. Our Legal Bases of Processing.

2.1. Performance of a Contract. You expressly agree that Our Services will be provided to you in accordance with our stated Terms of Service by utilizing Our Services. It may be necessary to process Personal Information, such as your IP address, in order to achieve this.

2.2. Legitimate Interests. The Personally Identifying Information collected through our services may be used for appropriate business purposes, such as ensuring security measures, combating fraudulent behavior, enhancing user experiences, and conducting analytics.

2.3. Legal Obligations. Sometimes, gathering personal data is required to meet legal or regulatory obligations—such as answering customer complaints or providing information to regulatory agencies.

2.4. Consent. There may be times when processing and using your personal information for additional services requires obtaining your express consent. Sending in product evaluations, creating user profiles, getting tailored offers, and signing up for newsletters are a few examples of these services. Should consent be the legitimate basis for handling this data, you have the option to withdraw consent by clicking on the provided link. Once your request has been approved, we will contact you.

  1. Information We Process.

We use a variety of methods to collect information about your interactions with and usage of Our Services.

3.1. Information You Provide to Us. You may be required to provide certain Personal Information in order to access and use certain features and services on Our Services. This category could include things like making a user profile, reviewing goods or services, subscribing to magazines, and getting marketing materials. We will proactively and voluntarily get your approval before disclosing this information. If you consent to our privacy statement, we may collect additional personal information as detailed in the following section.

In the framework of this Privacy Statement, "Personal Information" refers to any information that can be used, either alone or in conjunction with other information, to uniquely identify a specific person. This may contain a person's entire name, phone number, email address, residential address, and other contact information. The classification of an IP address as Personally Identifiable Information is contingent upon the specific use of the data and the relevant regulatory authority. This will be determined by the IP address that the user's Internet service provider assigned to their device. If personally identifiable information is obtained, it will be properly handled and safeguarded. Having stated that, this approach will not be used to identify users.

3.1.1. Third-Party Forms and Services: We offer a range of services, including the evaluation and assessment of external businesses, brands, and entities known as "Partners," as well as the related products they manufacture, or "Products." Our partners may from time to time offer you services, information, and opportunities. To obtain these, you may be required to voluntarily and voluntarily complete an online form. The information you provide on this form will help you and the appropriate Partner ("Lead") communicate.

To learn more about a Partner or Product, or to get in contact with a Partner to conduct business, please click on the appropriate Partner icon or page. As a result, you will reach a Landing Page. This webpage is owned and operated by the Partner and is accessible via many web portals. On the landing page, users could be requested for particular details such their name, phone number, and email address—collectively, "Landing Page Info."

Most importantly, the data provided on the landing page is obtained directly by the Partner responsible for data gathering. Therefore, the information supplied will be subject to the Partner's own privacy policy and data gathering procedures. It is strongly recommended that you read the privacy policies of the relevant businesses to fully understand how your Personal Information is gathered and utilized.

 3.1.2. Contact Us. If a user approaches us via one of our many communication channels, such as an email, feedback form, online form, or reporting tool, we may request further Personal Information from them in addition to their name and email address. The information you have provided will be used, as explained in Sections 4 and 5 of this Privacy Statement, to fulfill your request and further our legitimate business interests.

3.1.3. Blogs, Newsletters, Surveys, and Promotions. Our services include a lot of features, like a blog forum, articles about the Services, Partners, Products, and related industry verticals, as well as reviews. Users also have the option to sign up for newsletters and take part in marketing campaigns and surveys. The service provider may choose to manage these tasks internally or may contract with outside parties to do so. In order to participate in a number of activities, such posting a comment on a blog forum, subscribing to a newsletter, or finishing a survey, users may be asked for Personal Information, such as their name and email address. The privacy policies of the third party and ourselves will apply to any third party with whom we share these data. You can be sure that the information you provide will only be used for that reason.

3.1.4. User Profile and User Reviews. Requests can be made for the creation of a user profile for our services or for the evaluation of our partners. You'll be able to provide us more information about yourself and help us provide you with a more personalized experience if you do this.

3.2. Information We Collect from You. We utilize the following techniques to collect data on how users interact and use Our Services:

3.2.1. Device Information: To facilitate seamless delivery and improve language, location, and time zone compatibility, device-specific information is collected. Among the information that must be gathered are the kind of device, the operating system and version, the language and version, and user agent parameters like the browser type and version and screen resolution.

3.2.2. Interactions and Usage: In order to enhance and effectively manage our Services, we collect information on user interactions and usage. These details are also shared with our partners and affiliates. The collection of Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) that users visit from both inside and outside the system is logged, as are the views and interactions that users have while using the Services. We also collect information about the day and time users visit the website, as well as the times they browse and interact with its pages.

3.2.3. Log Files: Our services collect data from server log files and use tracking technologies such pixel tags to evaluate user activities, measure user engagement, and analyze trends. The information supplied relates to the process by which individual internet service providers allocate Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to customer devices. IP address collection is carried out for a predetermined period of time and with predefined goals. The data is initially used to determine the user's geographical location, including their country, region, and language. This enables us to offer our services to users in their mother tongue. Consequently, automated processes are employed to search for IP addresses and identify fraudulent activity.

3.2.4. Cookies and Similar Technologies. Anonymous internet tracking technologies, such as "cookies," "web beacons," and "pixel tags," may be employed by a third-party service provider or in our services. Every time a person visits a website, an electronic file known as a cookie is downloaded to their computer. Cookies make it easier for the website to identify and recognize the specific browser a user is using when they return. In this way, user preferences and pertinent data about their interactions with Our Services are remembered and saved by the website. Customers can opt out of accepting any cookies or to have their web browser notify them each time a new cookie is sent. But doing so can result in the removal of some services or features from the website, which would limit your access to such areas.

When it makes sense, an embedded website tool called a pixel tag can be used to track and monitor user activity, such as surfing and email access. Typically, biscuits are served with it.

To learn more about the specific kinds of cookies we use and how we use tracking technologies and cookies on Our Services, we kindly ask that you read Our Cookie Policy.

3.3. Information we receive from Third Parties. Our services collaborate with other entities, including Partners, affiliates, and other organizations, to facilitate the seamless functioning of the business. Two sources from which data can be gathered are an internal user identification and a summary of user activities, such as interactions, purchases, page visits, form submissions, and phone calls. 

Our platform offers various services, one of which is the click-to-call option for convenient access. In some cases, the inclusion of third-party providers could facilitate call monitoring, feedback, and transmission. This implies that we may be able to collect the phone number used to initiate contact without obtaining any personal data for a brief period of time. We solely use your information to help with referrals and communication with our partners. Your data cannot be used for any other purpose without your express consent.

  1. Consent, Choice, and Modifications.

Users are not required to give Personal Information in order to use Our Services. Participation in this activity is entirely voluntary. By using our services, you consent to abide by the provisions of the Privacy Policy and the associated information practices. We ask that you not use Our Services if you disagree. 

Although some services may require the disclosure of personal information, the user ultimately decides whether or not to use these services. If someone has disclosed Personal Information already, they are free to revoke their consent at any time. For additional information on opting out and withdrawing consent, see the previously stated section 8.

  1. Purposes for the collection of information.

The purpose of collecting Personal Information, also known as "your Information," is to enable us to deliver Our Services and enhance their overall caliber. The information we gather is put to many uses, including facilitating user interaction with our services, enhancing their general quality, monitoring recommendations and advertisements, verifying users' identities and preventing fraud, responding to user inquiries and other correspondence, and authenticating and validating user access to our services.

  1. Sharing Your Information with Third Parties.

Personal information is not shared with outside parties unless one of the following situations applies:

6.1. Data Storage and Security Platforms (“Data Platforms): To manage and store user data, third-party cloud and storage services are used as "Data Platforms." This implies that the user's data is shared with businesses anywhere in the world, including the United States, for the purposes of data storage or other processing requirements. On their official websites, several companies, including Amazon Web Services, disclose their privacy policies at Our data platforms offer stringent data security protocols and privacy safeguards in compliance with applicable data protection laws. It's crucial to realize, nevertheless, that their policies and procedures are constrained by their national privacy regulations.

6.2. Social Media Platforms. For marketing and operational purposes, certain information that cannot be instantly linked to your pinpoint may be shared with social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. These platforms have the ability to independently get personal information and maybe combine it with the information we provide, subject to your explicit and independent consent. We have no knowledge, control, or jurisdiction over the social networking platform's privacy policies, which govern how personal information is disclosed. According to section 9 of our Privacy Notice, residents of California are legally allowed to exercise their right to opt out of data exchange.

6.3. Other Third Parties. Your information might be accessible to third parties who help us run our business, such as customer service agents and businesses that provide phone or email administration services. These groups assist us in analyzing user behavior and enhancing our offerings. Since service providers are compelled to provide them, we ensure that customers can view their privacy policies while utilizing their offerings. When hiring outside companies to provide services, make sure you fully understand these rules. These entities are capable of existing anywhere in the world, including on the locations of their servers.

6.4. Enforcement. If disclosing Personal Information to third parties is deemed advantageous or necessary, then it is acceptable. The identification, prevention, or resolution of fraud or security issues; the investigation of potential breaches of our terms of service; adherence to relevant laws, rules, court cases, or government requests; and the defense of the property, rights, or welfare of, our affiliated companies, our users, you, and/or the public may serve as defenses for these actions.

6.5. Partners and Products. To find out more information on a certain service, use our online form. By completing this form, you can give your personal information to a partner or product that meets your needs. The partner will be able to contact you and send you the necessary information as a result. Please be aware that our partners may choose to contact you based on the information you provide in the online form. Our partners may have privacy policies that differ from ours, so we have little control over what they communicate with you. It's also important to keep in mind that our partners might be dispersed throughout the globe.

6.6. Merger, Sale or Bankruptcy. In the event that and its connected entities decide to sell all or a portion of their assets, or if they are purchased by or merge with another company, the Personal Information and other data that they collect or receive may also be sold or transferred. In such cases, the organization obtaining the data will be required to uphold your legal rights in accordance with local laws and to be transparent and truthful about its data handling practices.

Non-personal data may be disclosed to third parties for certain objectives and those associated with particular categories of organizations. We may employ third parties for our own purposes or to carry out features and services on our behalf. We have integrated third-party technology, services, or features, which allows companies like Google Analytics and Tableau to obtain data about our website. This data is obtained from the tracking of user behavior on our Services, including keystrokes, gestures, interactions, and page content.

To carry out their respective tasks, these third-party technologies might use their own cookies, and each operates in compliance with their own privacy policies. Kindly see our Privacy Policy for additional information regarding cookies. To find out more about how Google uses cookies, click the provided link. You can choose not to use Google Analytics by clicking the provided link.

  1. Links to and Interaction with Third-Party Properties.

This website may contain connections to information, digital resources, or other websites ("Third Party Properties") that we do not directly operate. The Third Party Properties are websites that link to the subject entity. If the user clicks on the links given and discloses personal information on the Third-Party Properties, the third party will obtain the data. Notably, probably, agreements for the exchange or reception of such data and Personal Information have been formed between these third parties and and its connected organizations. Note that we have no control over Third-Party Properties' or Products' privacy policies or data collection practices. You should carefully read the terms and conditions and privacy policies before using or interacting with any Third-Party Property.

  1. Choices and Opt-Out.

Users are free to decide whether or not to submit us their personal information based on the explanations in this Privacy Policy. People can exercise their rights with regard to their private information no matter where they are at the moment. The following situations involve this phenomenon:

8.1. Cookies and Tracking Technologies. By altering their web browser's settings, users can restrict or reject the use of cookies, whether those cookies are provided by the website or by third-party services. More details on this topic are provided in Section 2.1.1 of the current agreement.

8.2. You should carefully review your personal data, make any necessary modifications, or, in the event that it is no longer needed, submit a formal request to have it deleted from our systems. Please refer to Section 2 of the previously provided material for further information.

  1. Your Rights.

9.1. EU Data Subject Rights. The collection, use, and preservation of personal data are regulated under the General Data Protection Regulation.

As a user who lives in the European Union, you can choose from the following options:

Please submit a formal request to obtain the personal information linked to your profile that is presently being maintained by our organization. In order for us to verify your identity, we require the necessary credentials from you. If the information provided proves to be inaccurate, missing, or outdated, kindly tell us of any pertinent information needed to make the necessary modifications. 

If you decide you no longer want us to manage your personal data, kindly let us know immediately once. It is crucial to recognize that the act of withdrawing consent has no bearing on data processing that has already been carried out with the consent of the subject in question.

We formally request that your personal information be deleted or that access to it be restricted as a result. Individuals possessing Personal Information have the legal right to require third parties included in this Privacy Statement to adhere to the previously specified protocols.

When processing personal data is done for direct marketing, individuals have the right to object.

A regulatory body that deals with data security is the recipient of complaints from the public.

9.2. Canada. A Canadian person can email us at [email protected] to inquire about the sharing of Personal Information with third parties for direct marketing purposes. 

9.3. Privacy Notice for California Residents. Residents of California may be governed by California law in specific situations involving personal data. This section is an extension of our primary privacy statement that may pertain to you. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) grants residents of California certain rights with relation to their personal data. The following benefits are available to Californians provided they meet the legal requirements.

  1. Information Security.

We place a high priority on data security and implement a number of security measures to protect the data that is sent, processed, and stored on our computer systems and website. The website uses SSL encryption, and in order to ensure its security, the processes for gathering and storing data are routinely reviewed. Data is protected during transit and storage by using third parties that have information security certifications and standards in place. In addition, our organization has implemented monitoring systems and access controls to effectively restrict and manage staff members' access to vital data.

It is critical to realize that the global network's pervasiveness makes it impossible to guarantee total security against unauthorized access and other security concerns, even with these safeguards in place. As a result, it is impossible to provide a 100% confidence that our systems and services are secure.

  1. Children’s Privacy.

Our services are not available to anyone under the age of sixteen. Our company has a policy in place that prohibits collecting Personal Information from anyone under the age of sixteen. In the event that someone under the age of sixteen mistakenly provides Personal Information, prompt and appropriate action will be taken to delete this information. If you think we might have such information, send us an email at [email protected]

  1. Non-US Users.

Your personal information may be transferred to a nation other than your home or country of origin. It's possible that certain countries don't provide the same level of security for your personal information as your home country. For instance, there's a possibility that your personal data will be moved to the United States. When information is shared with third-party contractors during the processing step, contractual measures are used to offer the proper protection.

You expressly consent to the use of your Personal Information as specified in this Privacy Statement, including data transmission to the United States and other countries, by using our services and disclosing it to us.

  1. Commitment.

Our Services demonstrate an unshakable commitment to always adapting to changing needs and maintaining the most effective privacy standards in the sector, wherever and whenever they are offered.

  1. Contact Us.

We have made it easy to read and understand our privacy policy. Please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions. Additionally, British nationals can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) by going to